Sahih Bukhari (Urdu + Arabic) APK

Free Download Sahih Bukhari (Urdu + Arabic)

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“Sahih Bukhari” is an ultimate Android application with Arabic and Urdu translation of Sahih Ahadiths from “Sahih Bukhari”, for very first time. This application is our special gift to Muslim world on this Holy Month of Ramadhan (Ramzan). At this Holy occasion, we’re launching its ad-free version for a limited time, the Muslim users belonging to Android family can enjoy the Holy blessings of Month of Ramadhan and get to know about Holy teachings of Great Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). The Muslims are always waiting for this Holy month, to pray to Allah for days and nights and get rewarded in this world and upcoming world after day of judgment. So, read the Sahih Ahadiths using this application, increase your knowledge about the Islam and act upon the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and get rewarded in this world and upcoming world after day of judgment.
This application has been designed by our Software engineers team who are experts in user experience. A number of new features has been designed, which are being introduced for very first time in any related application.
*    Arabic and Urdu Translation of Ahadiths with complete reference (Feature being introduced for first time).
*    Searching Ahadiths in Urdu and Arabic.
*    Topic Wise categories.
*    Adding Notes.
*    Bookmarking
*    Sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and other social networks.
*    Dynamic design for Mobile and Tablet devices.
*    More features coming soon…!



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