Islamic pharmacy lite-by Quran APK

Free Download Islamic pharmacy lite-by Quran

Allah says in the Quran in Surat Al-Isra Verse 82 ( And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss )There are many cases cured every day by reciting the Koran; we cannot deny that because recovery does happen; it happened to me when I was reciting specific verses for a specific illness and the illness was cured

Koran Healing is a critical issue which wasn’t given enough study or research, so I thought about starting this journey and asked Allah to guide me, give me the useful knowledge, show me the right and help me do it, and show me the wrong and help me avoid it. One of the most important fruits of this research, which continued for years, was that I came out with an important result: Allah had put in every verse of the Koran a healing power for a certain disease if this verse was recited for a specific number of times.

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