Safe Browser -The Web Filter APK

Free Download Safe Browser -The Web Filter

Cloudacl Safe Browser is cloud based content filtering browser which monitoring eight million websites and billion of web pages to keep you family especially your kids have a safer internet surfing environment.
Cloudacl Safe Browser can be used as the following products:
– Anti Porn, Anti Adult content website
– Anti Abused Drugs including Marijuana
– Anti online game to block the popular game related website
– Anti Violation, gambling or gun related website or forums
– Anti social networking to block popular website like and
– Anti spyware and virus web site
– Anti anonymous proxy web site to bypass firewall or parental control software
– Anti spam web site used to sending most of the spam email in the internet
The following 9 security categories are supported in the blocking setup.
1. Sites hosting spyware, virus, fishing & frauds
2. Adult sites including adult content,
3. Sites related abused drugs & Marijuana
4. Bandwidth consuming sites peer2peer, online storage
5. Sites including weapon, gambling, questionable
6. Online gaming sites
7. Online sites used as proxy server
8. Sites used for spamming
9. Social-networking, dating and media streaming
Setup admin or parent password:
0. open safe browser application
1. click the configuration button on your phone
2. click admin icon in the configuration menu
3. type your password, then click Ok
4. now your are in parent or admin mode
5. do step #1 again to configure your security policy
In admin mode, you can configure the categories and sites you want to block, in normal (restricted) mode, you can only browse sites allowed.

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